
The Four Icon Challenge

fouriconchallenge.egg  on Aviary
fouriconchallenge.egg on Aviary.

description of this assignment here

Guess what movie this is..
Probably it is a little bit difficult.
Here, a big big biiiig hint for you. It's a Disney movie.

Here is the answer!!!
I cannot watch this movie without crying.. Even it was the trailer :-(
I will definitely make my future children watch this. love it!

If you haven't watched it before, I totally recommend you to check it out! like, during winter break :)

I used Aviary Editor to edit this picture since I don't have any photo editor on my laptop. Icons are from this site.

2 件のコメント:

  1. I knew it's Toy Story before checking it! I found out from the bear and the garbage! nice job, but I couldnt figure out the flower part, maybe I can't remember the movie well even though I watched it recently.

  2. it was difficult ne ;)
    I love Toy Story but Ive only watched until the second one so I gotta watch the 3rd one too!!!!!!!!
